oh brother...
ok, let me start off with - i don't like charlotte. i never liked her from the moment she crash-landed on the island. she always seemed like a snooty, stuck up rude-erson, and i just didn't care for her. she always had this look of "i've got a secret and there is no WAY i'd ever share it with you. ha ha, hee hee, ho ho." i didn't even care when she died. (ok, i was sad for daniel, but only because i like him.) but now, the lost blogosphere has erupted in anger over charlotte's real age (i know... major issue!!!). right after charlotte landed, and the losties took her hostage, ben rattles off her stats, including that she was born in 1979 (which would make her... not yet alive in 1977). YET! We/Daniel see a red-haired little girl bouncing around the dharma camp in 1977! What the hell, producers?! thanks to ew.com and darlton, we have our answer. i'm not sure if i'm actually relieved that this has an answer, or whether to roll my eyes all the way back in my head as to how far this age discrepancy went...
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