it makes me so happy when i find cool little articles that combine so many things that i loooove. case in point: the article i happened upon on today about twittering and science. (basically, if you add "and science" to the end of anything, i'll like it.) they posted an article about a scientist who is trying to make a twitter client where you can post to twitter just by thinking. hello, 21st century. apparently it's used by viewing a series of letters, picking out which letters you want to "type", and then concentrating on the word "twit" at the bottom to post your message. not only is this just ridiculously awesome, they hope that it can be used by people with brain-stem injuries and locked-in syndrome. of course, locked-in syndrome is what afflicts the main character in one of my all-time favorite books, the diving bell and the butterfly. (it's also a true story. i'd highly recommend it. the movie is pretty good too - not as beautiful and heartbreaking as the book, but is one of the only movies to ever make me cry.)
this really seems to suit twitter, even for normal people. i'd love to be able to just think of something and immediately post it to twitter. usually by the time i actually sign on to twitter and type it out, i've changed it a few times, and it isn't as witty as my original thought. though if i had to go all the way to the twitter science lab to use their new-fangled machine, that could really cut into my posting time. i guess i'll just have to stick to the old fashioned way...
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