
tra la la...

tra la la... i have j.k. rowling's new book....

(btw - for anyone who also went out to get the new book today, were you surprised at how little fanfare there was, in comparison to the other books? i suppose this is outside of the main harry potter canon, but come ON. harry potter fans are crazy (myself 110% included)! not that i ever dressed up and went to get the books at midnight (really, i didn't! i was always at camp. i don't know if jaberwocky has anything for it in the summer), but i had heard that there was going to be some festivities. on my way home from work, i just popped into the B&N on 5th avenue, expecting them to at least tell me they were sold out, or i had to order it but NO. there was an entire shelf of them just sitting there. i was pretty shocked that i was able to just walk out of there with the new book with no hassle... i hope it's good!)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even hear a new HP book was coming out! I'm not into the HP world, but my ex was crazed about it (even cried when B&N lost her reservation for Goblet of Fire)
